Starting a business at home can be a great way to make an income while still being around to raise your children. Even after early childhood has passed, many moms decide against returning to work in the corporate world and tackle entrepreneurial goals instead. This allows moms to cut out the costs of daycare and spend as much time as possible with their kids. If this sounds like something you’re considering, here’s how to get your business started.
Determine if Starting a Business Is Right for You
The challenge of starting a business is not for everyone. According to Fit Small Business, whether you should become an entrepreneur depends on your motivations, personality, and your capabilities. If your only motivation is to get rich, you’re sure to be met with disappointment and frustration. Instead, you should have a real passion for the product or service you’re selling.
The Best Business Models for Stay-at-Home Moms
There are loads of ways to start a business from home these days. Some of the best choices for the new “mompreneur” include freelancing, blogging, starting an online store, and becoming a virtual assistant. Blogging is one of the simplest business ventures to start. However, it will take some time and careful planning to make money with it. Most moms are passionate about childcare and are drawn to the idea of selling their favorite baby supplies. This can be done easily today with the help of e-commerce platforms and wholesale suppliers who are willing to hold inventory and ship items directly to your customers. Other moms get creative and design their own baby clothes, toys, and inventive practical items.
If you’re a good writer, designer or have some other skill that can be monetized, give freelancing a try. If you’re fluent in more than one language, consider selling your skills as a translator. Even if you don’t have any such skills, it’s never too late to retrain with some classes and online courses.
How to Get Your Business Started
According to Entrepreneur, the biggest mistake people make when starting a business online is looking for a product before looking for a market. Start by finding a group of people with a problem that isn’t being solved well. To do this, try visiting online forums and seeing what kinds of questions and complaints people are posting. Then, check out companies that are trying to solve this problem, and make a note of what they’re doing wrong. This is how to find a consumer need that you can fulfill.
Finding that Elusive Work/Life Balance
When you work from home, the boundaries that normally exist between work and life become nonexistent. Although it’s hard to separate them completely, you can take steps to find a better balance. One way is to create a designated office or workspace instead of allowing your work to intrude on your family life. When your kids are older, help them understand that this space should be respected as your office. Make a schedule and stick to it so you are motivated to get work done quickly and spend more time with your kids. This also means turning off your business when you’re not working. If you have clients or a team, let them know your work hours and that you will be unavailable outside of these.
Being a stay-at-home mom is amazing. You get to spend endless amounts of time with your children and raise them exactly how you want. When you’re itching for something to break up the daily routine, starting your own business is a great way to pull in some cash and let your passions come alive.
Photo: Pexels